It is not a guide on ‘how to find what you love to do. It will just give you another perspective to look at this question and hopefully find a solution.

One day a thought struck me that what I am looking for is not a thing that I love to do but a distraction that is so good at distracting me that I forget about the absurdity of life, a distraction so good that I forget that life is kind of meaningless, a distraction so good that just completely engross me in the present moment.

So according to this thought, when people say I have found my meaning in life, what they are actually saying is that they found a distraction so good that helps them to forget about the meaninglessness of life. (and yes maybe I am completely wrong about the ‘meaningless life’ part but I am thinking according to the current knowledge of humanity and at the same time open to changing my mind given solid evidence)

But there are already many things available that help to distract you. Things like music, movies, caring for your child, adventure sports, faith, and drugs are very good at it. But fortunately or unfortunately, we are living in a capitalistic world, to survive and reproduce we need a thing called money. So considering my previous thought and given that you are living in a capitalistic world, find a thing that keeps you distracted and at the same time generates money(monetizable distraction). Or once you have found your distraction then search for a way to monetize it(not that hard in this age of the internet).

Happy are the researchers that are doing research in the fields that they are genuinely interested in, happy are the employees who truly love their jobs, happy are the entrepreneurs who are busy running their businesses, and happy are artists who are busy creating art.

One hack that I have found to find a good distraction is to have more skin in the game in whatever you do. Some of my favorite distractions are building software that I have complete control over its outputs and shooting/editing videos. Although I am not that good at these activities as of now, but they completely engross me and command my attention so much that I forget about other distractions.

This whole distraction game can be summarized as: ‘Find your favorite monetizable distraction that keeps you away from other distractions.